Me and Mr. Darcy

Work with me

Work with me

Work with me

I get what it’s like to have a million ingenious  ideas. I have them all the time. I understand the frustrations of knowing you have a good thing, yet still not being able to make people see what you see.

Sometimes it is really difficult to talk about yourself and the things you make, when all you really want to do is forget all the marketing stuff and simply create.

I understand creative chaos.

Talking formal business and working from a deep personal mainspring at the same time can create an ambiguous situation.

For some of you it seems contradictory. Like you’re selling out or being insincere.

For others it is just a case of not having enough timeor not being able to come up with a solid description because it isn’t one of your strengths. Which is perfectly fine because that is where I step in .


I want you to think of me as a language wizard.

To help you express you and your work in words. You already have all the knowledge, I merely gather all that information and put it into well defined phrases.

We will peel away all those layers to get to the heart of what makes you and your business so special .

Know that if you understand WHO you are and WHAT you do, and you can explain to others WHY you do it, people will hire you and you can start making (more) money  doing what you love.

For whom
So, if you are a fashion or lifestyle blogger, a musician, dancer, or poet; perhaps you simply love to bake pretty pies or make beautiful illustrations of cats and dogs; if your inner artist and creative entrepreneur is ready to step up their game, we should talk.

Let’s discuss how to showcase you and your work and tell your story in a way, that not only conveys your passion but also solidifies your talent as an expert  in your field.

Public speaking
Oh and another thing. When you want to inject more meaning and connection into your next event then send me a message. I would be delighted to speak at your event, inspire your guests and leave them with a sense of mind-blowing magic .

Please fill out the form below so we can get an idea of who you are, what you need and where you want to go. I will get back to you within 24 hours.


People say the nicest things about MAMD

By Zaida Silva Coronel
Zaida, NLP Coach & CEO of Mastering Vida

Her different approach in dealing with problems, and the way she understands and empathizes with other people’s way of working and thinking, is very inspiring. She is one of the most open-minded and creative people I know.

By Jane Martie Chatlein
Jane, trainer & founder of Joystar Moments

Monique is like sunshine on rainy days. A multi talented artist with inexhaustible creativity and contagious enthusiasm. The perfect brainstorm partner that helped me transform my ideas and passion into a real business.

Me and Mr. Darcy


Me and Mr. Darcy

Need to get in touch with me? Because my writing needs improvement? Report a problem? Send praise my way? Or perhaps you have something you believe might need a place on MAMD? Like a subject that deserves paying attention  to, or a story that should be heard?

If so, then by all digital means, send me an email and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Please be so kind to fill in the form and tell me what’s on your mind.
